MR/CT Interpretation
Musculoskeletal (MSK) Steroid Injection – (hip, knee, ankle, foot, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand).
Musculoskeletal injection is a procedure used to treat inflammatory joint conditions, commonly caused by arthritis. A long acting anti-inflammatory medication (steroid) is mixed with a local anesthetic (numbing agent) and injected into the affected joint.
Bursa Injection
Bursa injection introduces a local anesthetic (numbing agent) and a steroid (anti-inflammatory medication) into the bursa sac to help relieve pain. Our bodies have many of these fluid-filled sacs, which help the skin, muscles and tendons to glide over bones. Sometimes these deteriorate and/or become inflamed (bursitis).
Piriformis Muscle Injection
Piriformis muscle injections are commonly used to determine what is causing buttock and sciatica pain. Piriformis muscle injections are both diagnostic and therapeutic, meaning they help your doctor determine the cause of your back pain and may or may not provide you with relief from the pain. These injections eliminate pain temporarily by paralyzing the piriformis muscle and stopping spasm in the muscle. If the piriformis muscle is injected and your pain goes away for several days, then it is very likely a portion of your pain is caused by piriformis syndrome. Once you and your doctor know what structure is causing your pain, you can begin to explore options for treating the condition.
Trigger Point Injection
Trigger Point Injections (TPI) are given for neck pain, headaches, and low back pain to treat muscle spasm and other soft tissue problems. Typically, a low dose of anesthetic medication, with or without steroid, is injected into one or more trigger points (tender areas within the muscle tissue) to relieve persistent muscular pain.